What To Expect
service times
9:15 AM on Sunday - Sunday School for Children, Youth and Adults with Nursery Available.
10:30 AM on Sunday - Church Service with Children’s Church (Age 2–K) & Nursery (Age 0-1)
Wednesday night activities for Children, Youth & Adults are available on a seasonal basis.
What Will the
service Be like?
Our service style is “blended” both musically and liturgically. We enjoy theologically rich sermons that explore the practical application of God’s Word to our lives. Services feature a blend of modern worship songs and traditional hymns.
DoEs It Matter
what I wear?
There are many ages and backgrounds in our church, so some women wear jeans and some women wear dresses, while some men wear jeans and some men wear suits. Whether you dress in causal or formal attire, we will be delighted to meet you!
Where do I go?
Head for the front doors. Before each service, greeters are stationed inside the front doors. They can point you in the right direction. Our greeters will also do their best to answer any questions you might have or find someone who can.