SUNDAY March 2, 2025

“The Road to Armageddon” Revelation 15-16

SUNDAY February 23, 2025

“A Call for the Endurance of the Believers” Revelation 13-14

1) Christ calls us to endurance because anti-christ is in the world today.

2) Christ calls us to endurance because God’s wrath is being stored up against ungodliness.

3) Christ calls us to endurance because He is the rue king who is worthy of our obedience.

4) Christ calls us to endurance because the eternal gospel is the power of God for salvation.

SUNDAY February 16, 2025

“The Joy of Growing Pains” James 1:2-11

1) A Faith Rooted in Christ

2) The Fruit of Growth

3) God’s Faithful Provisions

SUNDAY February 9, 2025

“Cosmic Christmas” Revelation 12

1) The promise of God fulfilled

2) The victory of Christ and the fury of the Dragon

3) The suffering of this present age and the promise of God

SUNDAY February 2, 2025

“The present judgement and judgement to come” Revelation 8-11

1) The Silence of the Seventh Seal is the calm before the storm.

2) The judgement against evil and rebellion has already begun, yet people continue to be unrepentant.

3) The Mission moves froward despite opposition.

4) The nations will rage, but in the end, they will experience the wrath of the Lamb.

SUNDAY January 26, 2025

“Love to the End” John 13:1-20

1) Jesus became a humble servant

2) to the point of death

3) because he loves us

4) so we should do the same

SUNDAY January 19, 2025

“The Image of God and the Mission of God” Revelation 5:9, 6:9-11. and 7:9-10

1) The image of God

2) The mission of God

3) The Purchase of God

4) The People of God

SUNDAY January 12, 2025

“Suffering and the Triumph of the Lamb” Revelation 6-7

1) The four horsemen and the reality of this world

2) The missionary call

3) The end of the earth and the wrath of the Lamb

4) The preservation of God’s people

5) The Shepherd-Lamb

SUNDAY January 5, 2025

“The Glory of Christ as the Lion and the Lamb” Revelation 5:1-14

1) The scroll

2) The Lion

3) The Lamb

4) The ransomed

SUNDAY December 29, 2024

“Being Worthy” 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12

1) Being Worthy is Conscientious

2) Being Worthy is Serious

3) Being Worthy is Glorious

SUNDAY December 22, 2024

“The Genesis of Jesus” Matthew 1:1-25

1) Jesus, the Creator

2) Jesus, the King

3) Jesus, the Blessing to All nations

4) Jesus, the Son of God

5) Jesus, the Savior

6) Jesus, the Fulfillment of Prophecy

7) Jesus, God With Us

SUNDAY December 15, 2024

“The Danger of Being Lukewarm” Revelation 3:14-22

1) Look to Jesus as the example to live by

2) Go to Jesus-

A. That you may know true riches B. That you may be clothed from your shame C. That you may see with new eyes

3) Receive from Jesus loving discipline

4) Open the door to Jesus and listen to Him

SUNDAY December 8, 2024

“An Open Door” Revelation 3:7-13

1) The authority of Jesus encourages in the midst of suffering

2) The authority of Jesus provides opportunities even when we are weak

3) The authority of Jesus motivates endurance and faithfulness

4) The authority of Jesus gives us a sure future

SUNDAY December 1, 2024

“A Call to be Vigilant” Revelation 2:18-3:6

1) Be vigilant because Jesus is the all-seeing judge

2) Be vigilant because Jesus commends faithfulness

3) Be vigilant because Jesus condemns false teachers

4) Be vigilant because Jesus calls us to holiness

5) Be vigilant because Jesus promises to reward the faithful

SUNDAY November 24, 2024

“Give Thanks to the King of Creation” Revelation 4:1-11

1) Give praise and thanks to God because he is the good and righteous king

2) Give praise and thanks to God because he is holy

3) Give praise and thanks to God because he created all things

SUNDAY November 17, 2024

“Finding Rest in Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath” Matthew 11:25-12:8

1) Jesus sets our priorities straight

2) Jesus turns our hearts toward mercy rather than empty sacrifice

3) Jesus is the ultimate authority to guide us

SUNDAY November 10, 2024

“The Danger within the Church: Compromise” Revelation 2:12-17

1) Jesus is the king who wields the sword of his word

2) Jesus commends those who are faithful and who live under evil leaders

3) Jesus warns the church not to tolerate those who make compromises with evil practices

4) Jesus promises fellowship with Him for all who persevere

SUNDAY November 3, 2024

“Faithful unto Death” Revelation 2:8-11

1) Jesus gives us hope even in tribulation

2) Jesus knows your suffering

3) Jesus calls us to faithfulness

4) Jesus promises eternal life

SUNDAY October 27, 2024

“A Warning for a Loveless Church” Revelation 2:1-7

1) Jesus commends the church for its zeal for the truth

2) Jesus criticizes the church for abandoning love

3) Jesus calls the church to repent and obey the call to love

4) Jesus challenges the church with a promise in perseverance

SUNDAY October 20, 2024

“A Confident Partnership” Revelation 1:9-20

1) Partners in Tribulation

2)Partners in the Kingdom

3)Partners in the Patient Endurance

SUNDAY October 13, 2024

“Is The Gospel Important?” Galatians 1:1-10

SUNDAY October 6, 2024

“Hear and Keep” Revelation 1:1-8

1) The Charge

2) The Motivation

SUNDAY September 29, 2024

“Many are Called, But Few are Chosen” Matthew 22:1-14

1) God persistently invites people to come to Him.

2) God calls people to repent and become part of His Kingdom.

3) Many people reject God’s call.

4) Therefore, in Christ, God chose people to accept the invitation to be with Him.

SUNDAY September 22, 2024

“The Amazing Significance of an Ordinary Life: Hope for the Future” Ruth 4:13-22

1) The Redeemer Restores Life

2) The Child Brings Hope

3) The Faithfulness of Ruth

4) The Renewed Promise

SUNDAY September 15, 2024

“Christ, the New and Greater” Matthew 17:1-8

1) Jesus is the new and greater Moses.

2) Jesus is the mediator between God and men.

3) Jesus is God.

4) Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets.

5) Jesus is the sacrifice that takes away sins and brings us into covenant with God.

SUNDAY September 8, 2024

“Redemption” Ruth 4

1) The Provision

2) The Cost

3) The Blessing

SUNDAY September 1, 2024

“Faith, Risk, and Redemption” Ruth 3

1) Naomi makes a plan to press the issue of Ruth’s redemption

2)Ruth executes the plan to bring about her redemption

3) Boaz guarantees Ruth’s redemption

SUNDAY August 25, 2024

“The Purpose and Providence of God” Ruth 2

1) God provides even amid wickedness

2) God provides even when it is perceived as chance

3) God provides protection

4) God provides according to His Word

SUNDAY August 18, 2024

“The Failure of a Family and The Unlikely Faith of Ruth” Ruth 1

1) A wrong decision, direction, and disposition.

2) A committed love to follow, belong, and remain.

SUNDAY August 11, 2024

“Joy and Sorrow” Psalm 126

SUNDAY August 4, 2024

“To God Be The Glory” 2 Samuel 21:15-22

1) The Good, But Not Perfect, King

2) The Outcasts are Called To a Glorious Work

3) Give Glory to God

SUNDAY July 28, 2024

“Citizens of Heaven” Philippians 1:27-30


  • Phil. 2:3-4

  • Brokenness

  • Side by Side

    Lights in the World

  • Phil. 2:14-16

  • Burning and Shining Lights

  • Suffering


  • Phil. 3:1

  • “God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him”-John Piper

SUNDAY July 21, 2024

“Confidence in God Who Gives Good News” 2 Corinthians 5:21

SUNDAY July14, 2024

“Confidence in God Who Sings” Zephaniah 3:17

SUNDAY July 7, 2024

“Confidence in God Who Speaks” Hebrews 1:1-14

1) God has______________

A) By the_______________ 1)Many times 2)Many ways

B) By His_______________ 1) Who is the exact imprint of his nature 2)Who sat down

2) God is_______________

A) Upholding the Universe

B) Remaining the same

SUNDAY June 30, 2024

“Confidence in God Who is One” Ephesians 4:1-6

1) Confidence in God who is one Spirit.

2) Confidence in God who is one Lord.

3) Confidence in God who is one God and Father.

4) Confidence in God who calls us to one Hope.

5) Confidence in God who calls us to one Faith.

6) Confidence in God who calls us to one Baptism.

SUNDAY June 23, 2024

“What’s in a Name?” Exodus 3

1) God is High and Holy.

2) God is Sovereign.

3) God is with His People.

4) God is the great Deliverer.

SUNDAY June 16, 2024

“Lights in The World” Philippians 2:1-18

1) Christ’s Humble Example

2) Trust in the Spirit

3) Joy in Sacrifice

SUNDAY June 9, 2024

“Confidence in God Who is Revealed in the Universe” Psalm 19:1-6

1) The heavens declare God’s glory and call us to join in worship-The heavens are all that is not the earth, all that is beyond our planet

2) The heavens proclaim God’s handiwork and show us his creativity

3) The heavens pour out speech and tell us of God’s loving care

4) The heavens reveal knowledge teaching us of God’s omniscience

5) The heavens’ voice reaches the whole world

SUNDAY June 2, 2024

“Confidence in God” Psalm 46

1) Confidence in God because He is confident in Himself

2) Confidence in God because He is glorious

3) Confidence in God because He is a help in trouble

4) Confidence in God because He is our refuge and strength

SUNDAY May 26, 2024

“The Gospel Brings Hope” 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

1) Seven Reasons to Rejoice

2) Five Ways to Move Toward One Another in Hope

SUNDAY May 19, 2024

“In Christ or in the World” 2 Corinthians 13:1-10

1) The Tables Have Turned

2) The Examination

3) The Restoration

4) The Right Use of Authority

SUNDAY May 12, 2024

“Motherhood” A Valued Institution- Proverbs: 31:10-31

M: Manager, Mender, Mentor

O: Organizer, Opportunist

T: Trustworthy, Teacher, Taxi

H: Helper, Healer

E: Example, Edifier

R: Restrictor, Restorer, Refuge, Reflection of Christ

SUNDAY May 5, 2024

“Perfect in Weakness”- 2 Corinthians: 12:1-10

1) The foolishness of boasting in our own strengths

2) The sufficiency of God’s grace

3) The power of God displayed in human weakness

SUNDAY April 28, 2024

“If You’re Weak and You Know It”- 2 Corinthians 11

1) No Superiority in Strength

2) No Boast in Birthright

3) No Prestige in Perfection

4) No want in Perfection

SUNDAY April 21, 2024

“Hope in Future Grace”- Psalm 78:1-8

1) Telling the coming generations about God

2) Parents are the primary witnesses for God to the next generation

3) We all need to have hope and a vision beyond our own time

SUNDAY April 14, 2024

“Boasting in The Lord”- 2 Corinthians 10:7-18

SUNDAY April 7, 2024

“The Battle For Our Mind”- 2 Corinthians 10:1-6

1) The battle is won with Christlike meekness and gentleness.

2) The battle is spiritual, and our weapons have divine power.

3) The battle requires knowledge of the arguments that need to be destroyed and the knowledge of God.

4) The battle begins with our own mind first.

SUNDAY March 31, 2024

“The Empty Tomb”- John 20:1-31

1) The race to belief

2) A personal encounter

3) A supernatural peace

4) The doubter believes

5) The offer of life

SUNDAY March 24, 2024

“Who is This?”- Matthew 21:1-11

1) Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets

2) Jesus is the righteous and humble King

3) Jesus is God with us

4) Jesus is the savior of the World

SUNDAY March 17, 2024

“God’s Love”- John 3:16-21

1) God’s love for the world

A. He came to the world

B. He gives the right to become children of God

C. He gave his Son

2) God’s love for those who receive him

A. He gives new life

B. He gives eternal life

C. He removes condemnation

D. He gives light

SUNDAY March 10, 2024

“Born Again”- John 3:1-15

SUNDAY March 3, 2024

“Weddings and Worship”- John 2:23-25

1) The signs of Jesus

2)The hour of Jesus

3)The followers of Jesus


“Generosity and Thanksgiving”- 2 Corinthians 9:10-15


“The Cheerful Giver”- 2 Corinthians 9:1-9


“7 lessons from a simple gift”- 2 Corinthians 8:10-24


“Giving and Grace”- 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

1) The grace of enablement

2) The grace of partnering

3) The act of grace


“Tough Love and the Joy of Life Together”- 2 Corinthians 7:2-16

1) Life together can be difficult, but produce joy

2) Life together can cause conflict, fear, and depression

3) Life together is how God brings comfort to conflict, fear, and depression

4) Life together may require us to cause one another grief with the hope of yielding repentance

5) Life together brings opportunities for encouragement and growth


“The Image of God”- Genesis 1:26-2:7

1) Divine Imagery

2) Living before God

3) Eternity with Christ


“Holiness”- 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

1) Holiness begins with our identity in Christ

2)Holiness continues by trusting God’s promises

3)Holiness includes making hard decisions in life


“Affections”- 2 Corinthians 6:1-13


“Fullness of Joy”- Psalm 16

1) We know joy in God

2) We find joy in God’s Word

3) We see joy in Jesus


“The Word Became Flesh”- John 1:1-5&14

1) The Word and Divinity

2) The Word and flesh

3) The Life and the light

4) The glory of the Son


“The Gift of a Child”- Isaiah 9:2-7

1) Hope for a people in darkness

2) Despair of a people under oppression

3) Humility from the family of the King

4) Glory from the Lord who can do the impossible


“Christ Brings a New Perspective”- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

1) Death of the superficial

2) Birth of the new creation

3) Mission accomplished by death and life


“The Motivating Factors of Fear and Love”- 2 Corinthians 5:9-15

1) How the fear of God motivates us to please Him

2) How the fear of God motivates us to persuade others

3) How the love of God motivates us to live for Him


“Be Encouraged”- 2 Corinthians 5:1-10


“Don’t Lose Heart”- 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

1) If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied: How the gospel helps us see through the pain and hardship of this life and look to eternity.

2) Inner renewal fights the pull of the reality of death and gives hope of total redemption.

3) A proper perspective of time reminds us of the momentary nature of this life and the monumental nature of eternal life.


“Seeing The Light of Christ”- 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

1) The condition of the unbelieving heart

2) The solution to the unbelieving heart

3) The miracle and means of unveiling blinded minds

4) Practical proclamation


“Beholding and Becoming”- 2 Corinthians 3:12-18

1) Transformed by beholding

2) Beholding be being unveiled

3) Unveiled because of hope


“Glorious Letters”- 2 Corinthians 3:1-11

1) Letters of Recommendation

2) Letters from Christ

3) Letters of Stone


“Sustaining Grace”- 2 Corinthians 2:12-17

1) Why do missionaries leave open doors?

2) Who sustains missionaries in ministry?

3) What is the hope and confidence of missions?

4)How do missionaries accomplish their task?


“Speaking The Truth In Love”- 2 Corinthians 2:1-11

1) Paul demonstrates the love of God in rebuke and discipline

2) Paul demonstrates the love of God in the restoration of a repentant sinner

3) Paul reminds us of a the need to obey God in everything

4)Paul reminds us of the need to forgive and the dangers of withholding it


“Always Yes in Jesus”- 2 Corinthians 1:12-24

1) Assumptions and false judgements cause frustration and hurt

2) A life well lived brings clarity to changing circumstances

3) Christ and personal relationships bring unity


“Suffering and The God of Mercy”- 2 Corinthians 1: 1-11

1) The Battle of Values

2) The Reality of Suffering

3) The Hope we have in Comfort and Suffering


“Empowered To Die”- Romans 12: 14-21

1) Empowered to Bless

2) Empowered to Make Peace

3) Empowered by a Just God


“Transformed” For Service”- Romans 12: 9-13

1) Service In Love

2) Service in The Lord

3) Service in Loyalty

4)service to Others

5)Greatest Love of All


“Faith Based Ministry”- Romans 12: 3-8

1) Faith Based Humility

2) Faith Based Unity

3) Faith Based Gifts


“Living as a Church in the Meantime”- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

1) Love for Laborers & Leaders

2) Peace with Patience

3) Having a Holy Disposition

4) Right Reception of Prophecy

5)Sanctification from our Faithful God


“Stay Awake”- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

1) Jesus could return at any time

2) Jesus has made us children of light

3) We should stay awake and sober with Faith, Love & Hope

4) God has destined us for Salvation and eternal life with Jesus


“Hope in the Resurrection and the Return”- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


“Holy Aspirations” -1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

  1. Believers should continually grow in love

  2. Believers should direct attention away from themselves and toward God

  3. Believers should be humble, not meddlesome

  4. Believers should work diligently until Christ returns

SUNDAY JULY 30, 2023

“The Lordship of Christ in Your Life” -Matthew 7:21-29

  1. Jesus Is Lord

  2. God’s Will, not yours

  3. Your Foundation

SUNDAY, JULY 23 , 2023

“The Effort Required To Follow Christ”- Matthew 7:7-20

  1. Ask, Seek and Knock

  2. Treat Others Like Yourself

  3. The Narrow Gate And Path

  4. Beware Of Wolves

SUNDAY, JULY 16 , 2023

“Seeking God’s Kingdom First”- Matthew 6:19-35

  1. Storing Treasure

  2. The Healthy Eye

  3. The Right Master

  4. Anxiety and The Heart

SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2023

“We Are To Be Perfect” - Matthew 5:43-48

  1. In Understanding God’s Word

  2. In Giving Grace To All

  3. In Loving Like God (Not Like The World)

SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2023

“Follow Jesus More and More” - 1 Thessalonians 4:1=8

SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2023

“The Providence Of God & His Goal For Believers” - Romans 8:28-30

I.            A promise with conditions

II.          A promise with a purpose

III.         A promise with a guarantee

SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023

“The Spirit Helps Sustain Our Hope” - Romans 8:26-27

I. Knowing your weakness gives hope

II. Knowing your weakness points to our help

SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023

“Hope In The Midst of Suffering” - Romans 8:18-25

I. Suffering & our longing for glory

II. Suffering & the hope of adoption

III. Suffering & the hope of redemption of our bodies

IV. Suffering and future grace

SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023

“Adopted Through The Spirit” - Romans 8:12-17

SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2023

“The Flesh & The Spirit” - Romans 8:5-11

I.             Living according to the flesh ends in death

II.           Living according to the Spirit yields life & peace

III.         Living according to the Spirit requires the new birth


“No Condemnation” - Romans 8:1-4

I.              Bad News First 

II.            The Law and the Human Condition

III.          The Good News

IV.           Life After Death


“Behold Your King” - Luke 19:28-44

I.      Jesus’ control over the colt gives us hope in the little things of life.

II.    Jesus’ control over the events of his death gives us hope in the face of death.

III. Jesus coming in peace gives us hope and leads us to praise him.

SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2023

“Fellowship Within The Church” - Acts 2:42-47

I.       The importance of learning the Bible together

II.     The importance of fellowship

III. The importance of the Lord’s Supper

IV. The importance of praying together

V. The importance of practicing these together

SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2023

“An Invitation to Life” - Isaiah 54






SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2023

“Fellowship With One Another” - Hebrews 3:7-17

I.             The need for fellowship among believers

II.           The command to exhort one another

III.          The need to remain current

IV.           The beauty of fellowship


“Fellowship With God” - 1 John 1:1-10

I.             Fellowship at the beginning

II.           Fellowship broken

III.          Fellowship restored

IV.           Fellowship and the quest for joy


“Love Your Neighbor” - Luke 10:25-37

I.             Who is my neighbor?

II.            Who needs mercy?

III.          Who can keep the Law?

IV.           Who is the “Good Samaritan”?


“Love For God” - Luke 10:25-28

I.The summary of the Law is that we are to love God and do what it says.


II. The problem with loving God and doing what the Law says is that we are terribly inconsistent creatures.


III. The result of loving God is that we will have life.


IV.  The hope we have in Jesus.


V. The practical ways in which we can love God.


“Love And Marriage” - Genesis 2:24-25

I. Marriage requires that we leave our parents in a loving way.





II. Marriage requires that we hold fast to one another.




III. Marriage means becoming one flesh.





“Displaying God’s Glorious Love” - John 17







“Love Fulfills The Law” - Romans 13:1-10

I.God’s love __________ our love

II. ______ should we show love

towards those in authority?

A.    God is the ultimate authority

B.    God’s command to be subject to the governing authorities

C.     God’s wrath, the government’s sword, and our conscience


III. ______ do we show love towards those in authority?

A.   Acknowledging God’s hand in the social order

B.   The debt of respect and honor

C .  The debt of love

  D.   Love and the witness of Christ and His Church


“God Defines Love Because He Is Love” - 1 John 4:7-12

I. Love is from God

A. God defines ________

B. Love shows who belongs to God’s ________

  C. God is _______

II. Love made __________

  A. God sent his only son into the world

  B. God ________ that humans might have life

  C. God loved us to _______ us from his just ________

III. God’s love directs our love for one another


“Dinner With Sinners” - Luke 15

I. God’s love for the lost

A. Sinners and Dinners

  B. Lost sheep and rejoicing

  C. Lost coin and rejoicing

 D. The arrogance of the lost son

 E. The repentance of the lost son

  F. The posture of the lost son

  G. The Father’s Dinner for the sinner

H. The wrong response to the father’s love


“Faith On Display” - Mark 2:1-12

Main Point: Our spiritual paralysis is healed by Christ’s authority.

I. Our Helpless __________

II. Our Greatest _________

III. Our Great __________


“Four Resolutions of a New Year” - 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

I. Resolve to eat and drink to the glory of God

II. Resolve to do everything to the glory of God

III. Resolve to point others to Jesus Christ

IV. Resolve to be grow more like Jesus